Similarities Between Hitler And Jay In The Great Gatsby

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Macbeth’s lust for power is heavily displayed in literature and is also evident in many political figures in history. This is strongly showed in history, with mirrored actions of Hitler. The strongest of which, were both of their ambition to gain power. Although in their roots, they have their differences. Macbeth started out as passive and obedient, but as the witches controlled him, the stronger they manipulated him. Macbeth then grew fearful of getting caught from his actions, and then did whatever it took in order to not get caught. While Hitler was bad from the start. Hitler started with hatred and wanted to cleanse the world of all he thought was wrong. Hitler, like Macbeth, also committed tyranny, but Hitler didn’t continue to kill to hide his actions, he cleansed a religion for the sake of ideology and the view that it helped his country; Macbeth fell into mass-murder to protect his own self-interest. …show more content…

In The Great Gatsby, power is often associated with money. Both Jay Gatsby and Macbeth were captivated by having true, untainted power. Both Jay and Macbeth attained ideas of greatness in their minds and obsessed about their plans to achieve greatness to the point nothing else seemed relevant. However they were blind to any other outcome other than achieving what they wanted most. Jay’s being that he would never understand that he would never belong in Daisy's world, no matter how much power or money he obtained, and he couldn't understand the connections that bound Daisy and Tom together. Macbeth was blind to the true nature of the witches, even though Banquo warned him. As he contemplated Duncan's murder, Macbeth was also blind to the fact that once he gained Duncan's crown, he would never live long enough for him to enjoy being

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