Similarities Between How I Learned To Read And Write By Frederick Douglass

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Some may argue that you do not need education to be successful, looking at examples of one out of million people that made it in life without a highschool diploma; however, that is one out of million and education may not be a guarantee but at least it is a start. Education will always have value put in whatever situation and in whatever period in time, education is a start to push towards success. Because being able to see two totally different personal experiences on education they can come to agreement that education should be one’s first priority if they want to be living a happy successful life.
Even though some people actually, very few people, become very successful without education. However, some may argue that dropping out of high …show more content…

Douglass had every right to pursue his education and freedom because times should have never been like that from the start. How can a person be in control of another person’s life it is morally wrong. There is still fights based on racism today and the fact that’s still going on of how people judge and hate on other success just because of their skin color, religion or background and because of that you get stuff on the new a race marches turning into violence and shootings. When others are trying to pursue their higher education for a better life and other people are so willing to stop them from reaching it, it’s wrong. The passage “How I Learned To Read and Write” by Frederick Douglass made me feel a lot of the emotions of what Douglass was most likely going through. I probably would have never preserve as much as he did. His patience and logical thinking really helped him reach his goal of becoming free. It made me feel more mad at the fact that people did not believe in him doing such a thing and the fact that he couldn’t trust anyone because everyone slave or not would’ve or could’ve taken advantage of what he was trying to do and they would have completely shut down his plan and worst scenario he would’ve been killed of having such thoughts to try to escape. As Douglass was first being taught he was quickly taken form that privilege as soon as his master found out he quickly stopped it and told his wife, “if you …show more content…

He is a fifty year old latino father to see the difference of how education might have been different back then how it is now. Then one can see how education even though put through different situations it is still very valuable. In the reading of Frederick Douglass you can see that he did what he possibly can because he knew that if he were to become educated it can lead to his freedom and happiness so that is what he did. As for my dad situation it is not the education was not there but I know that he had people to look after and education at the time was not priority as much as he wanted it to be he had to help provide for his nine other siblings, then help his father at labor work painting and planting. Therefore I can see why my dad wants me to try hard and no matter what always tells me that my education comes first more than anything. He does not want me to complain about my job, he wants me to have a career not follow in his footsteps when it comes to education because I can see he kills himself going everyday to work six days at least a week waking up at five a.m. coming home seven p.m. tired but still have kids to come to and show them that everything is good when in reality I know he is fifty, I know his back hurts and I know he is not happy. Towards the end of the interview he