Economic Inequality And The American Dream Essay

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Compare and Contrast of "Economic Inequality: It's Far Worse than You Think" and "Inequality and the American Dream"
Both of the following articles, "Economic Inequality: It's Far Worse than You Think" and "Inequality and the American Dream" share their own opinions on the "American Dream", and how it relates to the American economy as well as the lives of all United States citizens. They also have written about the inequality Americans face, the poor distribution of wealth, and the substandard social mobility; how difficult it is to climb through economic society for the lower and middle class.
"Economic Inequality: It's Far Worse than You Think" and "Inequality and the American Dream" both share similar descriptions of the "American Dream", how hard work and talent are the keys to success, success being wealth and social status. "Inequality and the American Dream" states that "…America defines itself by a collective dream: the dream of …show more content…

Such as society as a whole is prospering, there is help for the very poor, and there is an equal ability for all people to rise up in the economic system. "Any system in which the spoils are distributed so unevenly is morally wrong, they say. This newspaper disagrees. Inequality is not inherently wrong-as long as three conditions are met: first, society as a whole is getting richer; second, there is a safety net for the very poor; and third, everybody, regardless of class, race, creed or sex, has an opportunity to climb up through the system. A dynamic, fast-growing economy may sometimes look ugly, but it offers far more hope than a stagnant one for everybody in the United