
Similarities Between Life Liberty And The Pursuit Of Unalienable Rights

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Have we ever thinks about what are the unalienable rights in the world today? How does it effect to our world and is it important? Jefferson regards Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness as unalienable rights in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” –Thomas Jefferson. In my opinion, all that three things are the basic rights of people. The first important right of human is Life. God created human to live for his life, so every person should have a right life. I do not think ‘Life” that Jefferson means is just a simple life, but that “Life” is thinking, studying, working...etc…Live on purpose, not live on nothing meaning. I can’t imagine how the world will be look like if people live without motivation. Nobody care about invent some useful things. People do everything without passion. I bet that will a terrible place to live. More passion in life is more creative in life. Every people is deserved to have a right life. In there, they can live their life in happy and valuable. …show more content…

It means we have different government, but it is surely that every parson should have their right Liberty. No government has the right to confine or compels that, because without liberty, people will not really live. If a man is confined, and compels to work in his confinement, what becomes of his inalienable right to liberty? He has to work without passion for his job and can’t have any good stuff to contribute to the society. We all know that nobody is perfect, so if we don’t have liberty to speak out our thinking or our knowledge, how do we know that the way we are going in the other’s leading is the right way? Let’s people live with the

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