Similarities Between Macbeth And Just Lather That's All

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Macbeth & Just Lather That’s All
Comparison Essay

In William Shakespeare's play, Macbeth and Hernando Tellez’s short story, Just Lather, That’s All, the main characters, Macbeth and the Barber show whether self satisfaction is attainable if one follows their morals.

Macbeth and the Barber demonstrate how morals should not be questioned, especially when the victims are in a vulnerable and defenseless position. In Shakespeare’s play, after Macbeth discovers his prophecies, he begins to plot how he can overthrow King Duncan by killing him and becoming the king himself. This is evident when Duncan says, “This castle hath a pleasant seat. The air/ Nimbly and sweetly recommends itself/ Unto our gentle senses.” (Shakespeare 1.6.1-3). Duncan describes …show more content…

Macbeth’s decision is heavily influenced by Lady Macbeth’s attack on his manhood. She discusses the power that Macbeth will possess if he is brave enough to do anything. “I am settled, and bend up/ Each corporal agent to this terrible feat.” (Shakespeare 1.7.79-80) Macbeth makes an impulsive choice that is very unlike his true character. He is at the point where he would do anything that will make him the King of Scotland, such as killing Duncan. To defend his manhood, Macbeth’s greed and desire to be king causes him to not carefully consider the outcomes of his actions. Furthermore, in Tellez’s short story, the Barber cautiously thinks about the outcomes of killing Captain Torres and what will become of his reputation. Questioning himself, he states “Murderer or hero?... You came to me for a shave… I don’t want blood on my hands.” (Tellez 2). Although the Barber knows it would be quite simple and effortless to kill the Captain, he lets his true morals become a deciding factor, ultimately deciding not to kill the captain. He has proven himself to be an honourable man who takes his profession seriously and would rather not let one person who he despises ruin his prestige. When comparing the two stories, morals become the deciding aspect on whether to kill or not. Macbeth decides to completely neglect his morals and allow the influence of another to make him act impulsively, without considering the consequences of his actions. Unlike the Barber, who acts on the side of his values and completes his duty of simply performing a shave for the Captain. He debates whether he would rather be known as a murderer or hero, however, he knows he would not benefit from this opportunity and chooses to not commit the crime. Ultimately, the Barber helps display how if one thoroughly thinks about the outcomes of their actions, they will choose to do what is right.