Similarities Between 'Of Mice And Men And The Road Not Taken'

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Often, different pathways resolve in protagonists learning various lessons due to what they may perceive as different both before and after their quest. This is shown through both pieces “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck and “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost. The idea of protagonists George and Lennie facing their journey right in front of our eyes, portraying their growth of friendship throughout buildup in conflicts that sparked between them both and their surroundings, yet ending with peace and joy. Connecting back to the poem, both George and Lennie exchange talk of how they have one another’s back, leading to less of a mortified death of Lennie. Their quest contained of major conflict throughout their surroundings, creating a lesson …show more content…

The idea of surroundings creates a major role in both pieces due to how compelling many can be on which route to take rather than knowing the truth. Assumptions are often made depending on surroundings, as well as opinions of the ones you “trust”. Snippets of this scenario can be seen throughout “Of Mice and Men” from the thoughts George has towards Lennie holding him back from the priorities he wants to reach. Lennie being the certain character who acts like a little child, constantly needing care, shows the relationship between both, reminding me of a parent to child relationship. The outrage George shows through his words also provide background of how held back he felt towards his goals he felt important to achieve, yet is many steps tougher due to being with Lennie. Steinbeck states, “God a’mighty, if I was alone I could live so easy. I could go get a job an’ …show more content…

Many times, drastic surprises are present due to the multiple routes that are offered to you, having the ability to compel your thoughts after time. Metaphors are included throughout the poem of “The Road Not Taken”, Frost stating, “And both that morning equally lay, in leaves no step had trodden black,” . When I read this, I immediately connected back to reactants of those who are somewhat against the truth without true experience. I found George related to this as being the factor of the majority of the world, what most people think to be as true rather than living through it. This created standpoints of anger until realization towards the end of the book overcame. Trodden black created imagery for me as negative, fake, bad, regarding how I see the color of black as expressed in this poem. Frost develops these aspects based on depicting the idea of the factors that can hold you back, or create judgement without experiencing. Furthermore, the same activity of one path being the one with less use creates the same sort of judgement towards appearance or what you may have heard. This is expressed as, “The one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference,” (The Road Not Taken; Frost ). How this powerful theme is linked with the storyline of “Of Mice and Men” creates a broad understanding of George sticking with Lennie after even the toughest of times. As a reader, the portrayal of how strong