Similarities Between The Feminist And The Abolitionist Movement

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Abolitionism is the movement to end slavery. The Abolitionist movement became maginalized around the 1830’s. As abolitionists began to have their ways sought out by the government other groups wanted to be recognized for their maltreatment by society and higher figures. Women began the feminist movement during the mid 1800’s, around the kickoff of the abolitionist movement. Femenists want women to have the same rights as men. Both groups wanted to achieve equal rights and fair treatment. The parties of each individual movement consist of people from different backrounds that hold public rallies to pursue their goals, unaflicted by each person's opinion on what each group should receive to solidify them as part of a whole and equal society. The Feminists were able to prospect another group fighting for equality before they themselves spoke out. The overlap between abolition and the feminist movements is highly evident. …show more content…

Both groups were intertwined because of a dual history of discrimination. Abolitionists were seen as a source of inspiration for feminists who might not know how to begin a movement. “Both are (or were) movements dedicated to empowering a specific societal demographic that was being discriminated against ''(Bullet One Ophelious)”. The two movement groups helped each other when some couldn’t speak publicly. But stook up for the peers in their own groups when push came to shove.“Perhaps some of this energy and experience in defeating the evils of slavery helped those "founding mothers'' to begin a movement to liberate themselves from a defacto "domestic slavery”(Paragragh 3 Ophelious). The abolitionist movement began before the feminist movement. Everyone would like to be seen on the same levels so perhaps women abolitionists wanted to liberate themselves, the same way they did as