
Similarities Between Victims Rights In Liberal And Conservative States

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Victims’ Rights in Liberal and Conservative States Hawaii and Tennessee are liberal and conservative states respectively because the former has a strong stand on equity among individuals while the later strongly believes in good morals. The criminal victims’ rights were founded in the 1970s due to victim marginalization that existed for a long period (Caplan 224). Montaldo argues that all the fifty states have rules to protect victims during the trial process (“How to Write” 2). These rights ensure the victims are treated fairly during the prosecution process. The criminal victims’ rights of these two states have both similarities and differences, and the states consider themselves liberal and conservative respectively due to their different belief in the role of the government. …show more content…

Firstly, victims in both states have the right to protection against threats, abuse, intimidations and other forms of harassment from the offenders who scare the victims as a trick to make them drop the cases. According to Montaldo, some criminals may yawm laudly, make sarcastic faces, laugh, and make obscene gestures as a way of harassing victims (“Tennessee” 14). However, the victims are considered the first priority as far as this protection is concerned. Secondly, victims have the right to be informed of all court proceedings in the two states. Necessary information includes rescheduling of a court hearing and final disposition of the case. These two states also grant the victims the right to safe waiting areas during the prosecution period. These areas must guarantee the victims a distance from the offenders and their close associates such as family and friends. Evidently, the legislation of these two states is similar in some ways despite one being liberal and the other a conservative

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