Similarities Between Willy Loman And Hamlet

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“Sometimes Love is not enough”
In today’s modern time it is unacceptable for men to both physically and mentally abuse the woman. Whether it is physical or verbal, any kind of abuse takes a psychological toll. It is wrong in every way to treat the women the way Willy Loman and Hamlet treated their significant other. According to Jane Stoever from
Laws against domestic violence are recent and it wasn't until the mid-1990s that each state had protection order laws. Even with laws in place, police and prosecutors are frequently slow to act, and by the time an abuse survivor seeks police or court intervention, he or she has typically experienced repeated and severe abuse. The question of how to prevent abuse persists. (Stoever, 9) …show more content…

As a result both the tragic heroes had a horrible outcome in which leaded them to their death. I think it could have been avoided if they did not mistreat their women poorly and could possibly had an alternate happy ending that would have prevented their death. In Willy Loman’s, case he treated his wife poorly, who made her weak minded. As a result she would encourage him into thinking he was a great salesmen. His ego grew with her motivation of making him believe, and this gave him the idea that he could say and do whatever he pleased, meaning that he could mistreat her, and have an affair with another …show more content…

Domestic violence victims face high rates of depression, sleep disturbances, anxiety, flashbacks, and other emotional distress. In Hamlets case he played a trick on her just to prove to everybody so he could make people believe he was going crazy. His girlfriend tried to confront him that he was acting but he thought it was a great idea to show her he was serious so he felt it was ok to yell at her and throw her around the room to prove a point. With everything being said, if both Willy Loman and Hamlet could have done the right thing, they could been successful and lived longer lives. Instead Willy Loman and Hamlet died in the end in a tragic manner.

Work Cited
Miller, Arthur. “Death of a Salesman.” The Norton Introduction to Literature: Eighth Edition. Ed. Jerome Beaty et al. New York: Norton, 2002. 1189-1197. Print.
"Domestic Violence: Statistics & Facts." Safe Horizon. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Aug. 2015. .
Stoever, Jane K. "Domestic Abuse 'ordinary' in U.S." CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 15 Aug. 2015. .
"Domestic Violence Main Page." Domestic Violence Main Page. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Aug. 2015.