Simon Lord Of The Flies Character Analysis

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Simon, the Disciple “He was a small, skinny boy, his chin pointed, and his eyes so bright they had deceived Ralph into thinking him delightfully gay and wicked” (Golding, 55). Simon, a character in the “Lord of the Flies” is a “skinny vivid little boy” yet the boy is strong and stands up for he what believes is right. (FIX SENT.) That is just one of the many qualities this boy has. Simon is a very wise and philosophical type of boy. Quite simply, he uses his brain a lot more compared to most of the boys on the island. Despite his heightened intelligence, Simon is thoughtful, kind, and compassionate. Just like the disciple, Simon (Peter) in the Bible, Simon selflessly serves the boys around him and gives them comfort and advice. These soft …show more content…

Disciples preach what they learn from Christ’s example to others. Even though Simon didn’t really preach Christ-like things to the boys on the island, his example of service and kindness portrays discipleship. In the Bible, Simon (Peter) is a disciple of Christ. Simon was the chief apostle of his day and performed many miracles healing the sick and first opened the gospel to the Gentiles (Acts 10 &11). Furthermore, “The Lord of the Flies” Simon sort of prophesied to Ralph. For instance, he comforted worried Ralph by telling him, “I just think you’ll get back all right.” Simon didn’t suggest he himself would get back, but he did think Ralph would. “Some of the strain had gone from Ralph’s body,” (111). Simon also reminded Ralph of his rule for the boys. When Ralph was fretting about the boys wandering off and not finishing the hut construction, Simon poked in and said, “You’re chief. You tell them off,” (51). Simon is indeed Ralph’s helper in this book (Enotes: “Compare and contrast Ralph and Simon; both seem to be good characters). I think Golding is trying to make a point that just with one person they can make difference by their unique example. I think another point that made Simon different from the other boys was his meditation. That may seem a little out of the context, but I think his meditation benefitted him to stay