Single Case Study

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Single Case/Time Series
Reference 1
Quintin , E., Bélanger, C., Montreal, C., Lamontagne, V. (2011, A Single-case Experiment for an
Innovative Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Auditory Hallucinations and Delusions in
This single-case experiment evaluates the influence of an innovative, rational-emotive cognitive treatment concentrated on delusions and hallucination on quality of life, anxiety, depression, and insight in a female patient distress from schizophrenia. Keywords: hallucinations, schizophrenia, delusions, cognitive behavior therapy, single-case study rational and emotive therapy. Research question: How will the outcomes of this current body of research suggest that psychotic symptoms are not merely the product …show more content…

Since the research was centered on a single case, the overview of the findings is limited; caution was used in generalizing the results to all people with schizophrenia. Another limitation of the study might be connected to therapeutic alliance, an element that was not measured, but that could have swayed symptom improvement. The research methodology will help the counselor or therapist recognize he or she must be careful when they challenge delusions and distorted cognitions of client’s with …show more content…

The wordNatya refers to music and movement while yoga refers to exercise of the eight guiding principles of yoga such as: ashta anga yoga which lead to meditation. This study defines treatment possibilities for schizophrenia and showcases yoga therapy as an evolving treatment. Keywords:, schizophrenia, yoga therapy movement, meditation music.Research question: Can yoga successfully control symptoms of a thought illness such as schizophrenia? The design study endorsed that for this population, practices of yoga and natya did create an inner meditative calm, free from and anxiety agitation. The strengths showed how the study created a sense of singleness amongst its members as they taught each other about how to meditate. And this oneness yoga, may hold an influential message while generating treatment models for schizophrenia, and other mental illness. This study is restricted to the creation of a successful meditation model and does not offer a firm statement on the association between mood and meditation regulation.Action research methodology is used to embrace the voices of therapists administrators, staff, researcher and patients as co-creators of an operative meditation model that feels safe and