Single Christian Research Paper

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Every time I walk along the beach at Surfers Paradise I cannot help but think about the hugeness of God. I walk along the soft, golden sand, and thank my Maker that I was born but an hour away from this slice of heaven. I feel the cool breeze in my hair, and am reminded of the gentle whisper of God’s voice as we travel the journey of life together. And as I look over the mass of ocean, I wonder why a God so great cares for me?
December 27, 2001, found me walking along the beach one perfect Queensland afternoon. I had been crying. This was one afternoon when I was selfishly focusing on my problems, my dilemmas, and myself. Life for the past few months had not been going to plan and I had reached the end. I could not continue if things were to …show more content…

Christian, because this is the all-encompassing part of my life that has been the most challenging, and at the same time the most incredible and rewarding. And Female, because there still aren’t enough girls out there who know that they can do anything in God’s world. Single Christian Female is proof that there is at least someone out there who has chosen to live a life of passionate worship to God, with integrity, and no compromise. Why not join me, whether you’re single and female, or not?
God has the most exciting, fulfilling, awesome, and totally insane plan for your life. Believe it, live it. Nothing compares to following the unique destiny God designed for your life before it even began. Nothing. No amount of sex, no amount of worldly glory and fame, no amount of alcohol or drugs, no amount of doing your own selfish thing, could ever, ever, ever compare to knowing Christ - and proving that love by obeying Him every step of the way.
Single Christian Female is to all those who have begun somewhere only to end up somewhere else. It is for those who unexpectedly uncovered a part of themselves they never knew they had. For all the people, living and dead, who decided that theirs would be a life less