Sinus Tachycardia Case Study

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Fig.2. shows the sinus Tachycardia. Sinus tachycardia can be indicated by the heart rhythm which has an elevated rate of impulses originating from the sinoatrial node. The heart rate for an average adult ranges from 60–100 beats/minutes, for infants having normal heart rate of 110–150 bpm to the elderly, who have slower normal.
• Rate: fast heart beat ≥ 100bpm.
• Rhythm: Regular.
• P waves: Consistent, normal in morphology (if no atrial disease), Upright
• P–R interval: Between 0.12–0.20 seconds and shortens with increasing heart rate
• QRS complex: Less than 0.12 seconds, consistent, and normal in morphology.

The heart rate with low bpm can cause a cardiac output with symptoms such as dizziness, Syncope, lightheadedness, vertigo, and hypotension. The slow heart rate may also lead to a trial, …show more content…

This is a tool for dividing functions or data into components of different frequency. It allows us to study each component separately. These baby wavelets (basis functions) are obtained from a single wavelet called the mother wavelet, by contractions or dilations (scaling) and translations (shifts). Each coefficient is multiplied by the appropriately scaled and shifted wavelet which gives the constituent wavelet of the original signal. The CWT can be interpreted as a linear filtering operation (convolution between the signal x(t) and a filter with impulse response ψ(-t/s)).The CWT can be viewed as a type of bandpass analysis which modifies the center frequency and bandwidth of a bandpass filter by varying the scaling parameter (s). The CWT can be expressed as Inverse Continuous Wavelet Transform:
CWT is highly redundant since 1-dimensional function x(t) is transformed into 2-dimensional function. Therefore, it is discretize to some suitably chosen sample grid. The is called as dyadic sampling: s=2-j, τ = k2-j. By using the dyadic sampling we can reconstruct exactly the signal

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