Sir Isaac Newton Research Paper

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Sir Isaac Newton, born January 4th 1643, is an extremely important figure in history. His discovery of gravity changed the way we humans think about our planet. Born in Woolsthorpe Manor, United Kingdom, to the Newton family, always had interests in optics, motion and mathematics. His father, a well known farmer, died three months before Isaacs birth. Isaac was born prematurely and was expected not to live. At 3 his mother left him with his grandmother and ran away to remarry a man. He would not reunite with his mother until age 12. It is said that his mother leaving left a large impact on Newton, leaving him with anxiety and trust issues. He was in school when teacher took notice and suggested he enroll in college early. He enrolled in the University of Cambridge’s …show more content…

He then began his search for the answer. Thus Newton began an 18 month study for his answer. After that 18 month study he uncovered his most famous discovery, Gravity. During that study he performed some of the most well known experiments. He used different subjects and objects to test his theory. He published one of the most, if not the most, famous books about physics, “Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica”. His experimenting included, testing whether things not moving, continued not moving. Also, testing and discovering, “Force is equal to mass times acceleration, and a change in motion (i.e., change in speed) is proportional to the force applied.” And lastly, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.“ Newton's theory not only was popularized then but is still the most famous discovery in history. His research and discovery are used in universities and studies all around the world. His discovery is the most base for all physics is based off of. Gravity will always be, therefore his discovery will also be