Sir Isaiah Berlin's Essays: Summary And Two Concepts Of Liberty

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Pulkit 150531 PHI-143A TWO CONCEPTS OF LIBERTY Summary And My Opinion Sir Isaiah Berlin in his essay has made an attempt to expand the ideals of liberty that were included by earlier political philosophers from Platonic to Millian theories in their discussions and still today is a major question of discussion. The essay provides an outline of liberty in two parts:Positive and Negative. Positive liberty, in the simplest sense, is freedom to, answering the question of common people that by whom they are governed. It is the liberty of self-government. Negative liberty, on the other hand, is freedom from, and answers to the question of common people that how far government can interfere with them.It is the liberty of limited control by government. …show more content…

Thus the application of positive liberty is malleable according to the definition of “self”. As there are two parts in everyone,rational an irrational. This “self” can be defined as the rational part of the individual that remains after suppressing irrational aspects, or as of the social compact of which it is a part. The irrational sense redistributes governing power to the state, ethnic group or other social entities with which one identifies, while the former leaves room to interpret what such a “rational self” is and how it can be realized. Berlin makes the use of coercion as a tool to guide individuals in their best interests in the case that one is not wise or learned enough to realize it for him or herself. The author likens coercion in this sense to young children being forced to attend school, although the parents do, the children are unable to understand the necessity of education. So it is important for children to know the motto and make choice with full liberty. Thus Berlin argues that it is likely to think coercion and liberty one. Anyone might argue that a coerced individual is only acting what he or she had the fully rational and wise