Sitting Bull And Clarence The Pipe Found In The Play Walsh

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In the play Walsh, written by Sharon Pollock, there is a meaning found with the pipe Sitting Bull and Clarence smoke together on page 105 through 106. When Sitting Bull offers Clarence, a recruit to the North-West Mounted Police, his pipe to smoke, Clarence is sceptical as to if he should or not. With little to no pressure from Sitting Bull, Clarence decided to smoke the pipe. After talking to Clarence about the Sioux’s troubles, and how Clarence understands, Sitting Bull then states: “And you feel that way too. See? We are not so much different.” (Pollock, 106) When Sitting Bull offers Clarence the pipe, we see a unity between the indigenous and the NWMP, even if it is an inconsequential amount. The sharing of the pipe also represents the