Sizeism: A Social Issue In Society

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In everyday culture, people are often times discriminated upon based on their size, it does not matter if they are big or small. The dictionary definition, “discrimination on the basis of a person's size, esp[ecially] against people considered to be overweight,” ( is called sizeism. Sizeism is a large social issue in our country since people will treat other people unjustly, it will affect how people see themselves, and how this issue affects both genders. Sizeism has been an issue for years. Many people are affected by this form of discrimination every year. Since sizeism has been a problem throughout history, there have been several real life examples of this, and there are only a few ways to eliminate the dilemma makes this …show more content…

Sharon Haywood is a feminist author who writes about the discrimination against women based on their sizes. She also writes about ways to remove sizeism from society. “Discrimination based on body size is not covered under human rights legislation, but this issue can be resolved by people respecting people. … one in five people are considered to be obese,” (Haywood). Since there are many people who are affected by obesity, there will be many people who will also be affected by sizeism. Discrimination can be eliminated by learning about it. “... women are affected more than men. Spreading the word about discrimination and making it socially unacceptable can help make this go away,” (Haywood). Discrimination is a habit that can be eliminated by treating others fairly and with …show more content…

Society is obsessed with the idea of a perfect person; this idea that a person has to be a certain size to do certain jobs or buy certain clothing. Every person is made differently, whether it be a different height, width, hair color, or anything else; in addition, everyone is different and therefore unique. Discriminating against these people is a terrible issue in the world because people will treat this has been in our history for years, everyday people have been effected, and there are solutions to fix the issues from sizeism. Abolishing discrimination can help lead the country into a helpful and brightening future. Although sizeism will not fix itself overnight, learning about this issue can help better educate others. Awareness can help end the nightmare for