
Skyman Creative Writing

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Crisp mountain air penetrates through my 1000 square feet cabin. The oakwood door creaks open and in steps my father. As he passes by me panting, chills are suddenly running up my spine- even though I’ve adapted to the mountain I dwell off of. “Hey little boy, it’s your turn now,” my father mutters, as he lugs his muddy leather boots across my previously filthy floor. Folks across New Mexico, call my father “Caelum,” however, I prefer to call him something a little more “awesome,” something that goes better with the Latin translation of his name. Since “Caelum” translates to “Sky” in Latin, my sister and I came up with plenty of English names- however, only one really stuck. That name was “Skyman.” We also used to joke around saying “When …show more content…

I imagine something that could help me. I need something hard, but not too hard. Something that will stop this river, or at least slow it down. It comes to me- a pile of sand. No, a whole beach! A sandy beach appears at the mouth of the river, miles and miles of sand. I trot across the blazing sand, wanting to go back home. My instincts tell me that I cannot go back. I need to save Tempus. I need help from Skyman. I am not as smart as my father says I am. The smartness in the rain, that is what I am not. Several mountains appear ahead. Now what? You’ve gotta be kidding. My feet are scorched by the beach’s sizzling sand. Now, I must walk over these rising giants. I almost forget about the watch. What can help me now? Oh, something flat. Like a, um, a prairie! I twist knob once more. Beyond acres of grasslands, and a few minor boulders, I see the town of El Prado. I start to celebrate, then notice something. Yeah, I do not think my sister lives there. It’s all decent building and pretty shrubs. I tumble down a grassy hill leading to a town. I see a few shops selling El Prado magnets for ten-dollars each, and a couple beggars on the side of the road. Never would I have pictured El Prado to be so isolated, so deserted, just as the town of Pompeii in 79 A.D. when it

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