Slavery Argumentative Essay

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It is time at last for Americans to decide if slavery was an obscene injustice or a necessary evil, now that slavery is no longer. Were slaves really better off free than enslaved? Were wharves and suburbs really preferred over slave quarters? Authors like John C. Calhoun and George Fitzhugh where among pro-slavery abolitionists that argued slavery was instead of an obscene injustice a positive institution. To others like these men slavery was not a benefit to just one man but all men. John C. Calhoun wrote, “There is and has always been, in an advanced state if wealth and civilization, a conflict between labor and capital. Slavery exempts Southern Society from the disorders and dangers resulting from this conflict.” In other words slavery …show more content…

Weld (a moderate), James G. Birney (a radical), Henry David Thoreau (a reasonable), William Lloyd Garrison (a radical), and David Walker (a radical), who were anti-slavery abolitionists argued that instead of a favor masters where doing slaves an injustice. The injustice they speak of was an injustice to slaves’ rights as Americans and as humans. Some abolitionists of one society even went as far as to write,” We will do all… to overthrow the most execrable system of slavery that has ever been witnessed upon Earth… and to secure to the colored population of the United States all the rights and privileges which belong to them as Americans- come what may to our persons, our interests, or our reputations, whether we live to witness this triumph of LIBERTY, JUSTICE, AND HUMANITY, or perish ultimately as martyrs in this great, benevolent and holy cause.” Abolitionists like this where considered radical and where willing to do anything to end slavery. But the sad truth is if it was not for men like this slavery would never have ended. If people like this had not spoken out for the ill treatment of slaves, slavery could still be in progress today in America. The reason for this is authors like Fitzhugh made Americans believe that slaves where always well taken care of instead of treated like the author Thoreau