Sleep Pillow Research Paper

915 Words4 Pages


Title: Why You’ll Love this Bed Pillow! | Better Sleep Pillow

Meta Description: Wake up to a better tomorrow. The Better Sleep Pillow (BSP) promotes deeper sleep for side-sleepers, snorers, victims of pain, and more.
Better Sleep Pillow
We Believe in Better Tomorrows
Great mornings start with a good night’s rest.
Quality and quantity of sleep affects your health and well-being.
Imagine waking up pain-free because you no longer toss and turn at night.
Irregular or inadequate sleep can have negative effects on your mental health, quality of life, physical health, and safety.
A child or teenager’s growth and development are determined by the quality and quantity of sleep.
Sleep promotes creativity, …show more content…

We believe satisfying sleep is a fundamental right everyone is entitled to. You should be able to wake up each day feeling rejuvenated both physically and mentally. This was our mission and the firmly-held belief behind the development of the Better Sleep Pillow (BSP), our best-selling product on Amazon!

So how does the BSP earn such a title?
Sleep you get with the BSP is deep and satisfying. Anyone suffering from muscle pains or poor circulation can benefit from a night’s sleep with this pillow. Guaranteed.
What is the Better Sleep Pillow?

Ergonomically designed, the Better Sleep pillow minimizes stress on your back, neck, and shoulders - helping to prevent that biting pins and needles sensation.

Since the beginning of man, finding a comfortable place to lay your arm while sleeping on your side or stomach has been a struggle.

Not anymore.

We created and patented an “Arms Tunnels system” on the Better Sleep Pillow. The system consists of two tunnels, one down the middle and one across the front - giving you multiple options where to place your arms comfortably, which solves that age-old …show more content…

Want to try before you buy? It couldn't be easier or more fun.
Choose 2 pillows, and we'll ship them to you for free.
You then have 14 days to feel them out and discover which one is your favorite. Return shipping is also on us. (Click on the or try at home Icon ) to add to cart for FREE TRIAL. Why It’ll Work For You
Provides Two Arm Tunnels with a thick layer of padding for your arm to burrow under. One tunnel goes down the front and the other down the middle, so you can easily adjust your sleeping position.
Perfect Pillow Configuration for sleeping on either side of your body with your arm under the pillow. Flip the pillow 180° for different angles.
Ergonomic Design is great for relieving neck and back pain caused by uncomfortable arm positioning when sleeping. Stomach and side sleepers, your neck will be aligned for better support.
Improves Circulation to prevent the sometimes painful sensation when your arm falls