
Slightly Maria Or The American Dream Essay

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The drama “Simply Maria or the American Dream” by Josefina López describes the life of Maria, a Mexican-American woman living in Los Angeles. From a young age, Maria was instilled with the values of Mexican culture, however as she grew beliefs different from her culture began to develop in Maria’s mind. This led to Maria’s departure from her home in pursuit of college after a dream of a future where Maria followed her parent’s wishes to marry and have children. The drama “Simply Maria or The American Dream” delves into several themes. However, the theme most notable in the drama is the search for identity conveyed through the three girls, symbolizing Maria’s Mexican culture, her role as a woman, and her desires. Impressionable at a young age, the nuances and rules of Maria’s culture completely integrated into her mind, constantly reminding and …show more content…

culminating in the development of the three girls, symbolizing the pressures and ideals of Maria’s culture. Especially the Mexican culture’s thoughts on women during this period shown as the three girls speak to Maria and the audience. GIRL 1: Your goal is to reproduce. GIRL 2: And your only purpose in life is to serve three men: GIRL 3: Your father, GIRL 1: your husband, GIRL 2: and your son. (López 119 ) Being instilled since birth she never questioned these values, but when she immigrated to America a new culture began to develop. In Maria’s eyes, America was the land of opportunity, where anyone could do anything. This was when a new culture, the American culture, began to change her ideologies and values. This led to Maria finding what she wanted to be, and changing her views. Moments after arriving in America, Maria’s father spoke to her about America stating, “You can work hard to be just as good as anybody. You can be anything you want to be! (López 124)” Up until this point Maria had only been instilled with the

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