Small Group Ministry Summary

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Early in the Wesleyan movement in 18th-century England, both John and Charles Wesley put substantial energy into small groups called bands, classes, and Methodist societies. These small clusters helped the early Methodist believers cultivate their faith during the weekdays. Exploration of small-group ministry is addressed in Creating Community: Deeper Fellowship through Small Group Ministry by Glen Martin and Gary McIntosh. Both authors are professors and church growth consultants (Martin is also a pastor). Each author contends that small groups encourage personal growth, nourish relationships, build emotional support, stimulate service, incorporate newcomers, and develop leaders. Small groups also focus on spiritual growth and Christian nurture. K Looney in here journal Hands On Help Youth Fellowship Time tells the experience she encountered working with a group of young girls. The method that was used to build the fellowship and the faith of the group.“I lead a small group of 12-14 …show more content…

The effects on the group will be varied. Some hearts will be changed; there will be some in the group that will have a new attitude others will have a stronger dedication to the call of the community. The dynamics need to be in place within the small group for the small group experience to be effective? For the small group to be effective, there must be the desire to grow in the grace of the Lord. There must be the care for others, and the hope My participation in the community of has enriched the lives of others through the sharing of my faith with the community, and demonstrating the present of the Lord that is in my life. Being a part of the community of faith is a valuable part of my life. The small group setting allows for a more personal chance to grow with others and share with them so that can grow as