A Reflection On Sticky Church By Larry Osborne

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This is a reflection on Larry Osbornes book, Sticky Church, I did read the entire book. I have enjoyed it and would recommend it. Summary Many churches think they are doing well with all their new visitors and slight rise in attendance. However, when looked at from a long term perspective there seems to be a problem with the numbers. This is called a problem with the back door. People are coming in the front door but what is keeping them in the church? Nothing! The back door is wide open. It’s like a revolving door; people come and go. The message of this book is how to develop a church that keeps people in the church (willfully) and closing the door. Not necessarily through a program or new things to keep people entertained but rather a simple method which best reflects the new testament way of doing things. Sermon-based small groups work because they are focused on linear programs and relationships. While spiritual growth is not linear it keeps the demand and expectation for everybody not too low or too high for both leaders and attendees. Also with focusing on solely the sermon there is less of a requirement for the attenders to have to prepare. They have already listened to the sermon all they have left to do is think about it and go …show more content…

Whether they apply the method or not there is very applicable knowledge to be taken away from this book. This applies to those who need to close their back door and retain their people coming and going in their church. Even those that need to reconstruct or repurpose their small groups Now looking into the future ministry and church planting this book is riveting to get an understanding of how to successfully engage, evangelize, establish, and equip not only the church but the unchurches. Getting people involved in ministry. This book brings about many simple and effective ideas to make the church growth and spiritual growth flow in a much smoother and proper