Ed Steezer And David Putman Chapter 1 Summary

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Ed Stetzer and David Putman have written a contemporary book on mission theory about reaching the different cultures, specifically focusing on North America. They have surveyed the missional atmosphere in which we live in (again, in North America), and looked at overarching shifts in mainline culture, such as Modern to Emerging, to shifts in church culture, considering such issues as the institutional church, contextualization, and ideologies like that of the reconstructionalists. Stetzer and Putman are trying to encourage an interdenominational, culturally adaptable, biblically faithful call to missions amongst the capital “C” Church that one could arguably say is a reconstruction of the seeker movement. The structure of this paper is going …show more content…

I’m going to use chapter 10 that is about worship to talk about the function of scripture in the mission of the local church. In chapter 10, the authors talk about worship. They talk about music style, liturgy, and benediction. These are all great forms of worship. They left off however the two greatest forms of worship: preaching and teaching the word of God, and prayer. The primary mission of the church is the right teaching of the Word of God, and the right practice of the biblical sacraments. When God’s people open his Word, it is an act of worship. Quoting the reconstructionists “If they don’t want the building, adjunct, and a program-ok. If they don’t want the bible, scriptural leadership, covenant community-not ok”3 More traditionally, when the word worship is used, it is referring to music. Singing praise to the Lord is a biblical command. Frankly I don’t care what your music sounds like, I more concerned with the lyrics. Are your lyrics theologically sound? Does the theology in your music match up with your lessons from God’s word? At the church I attend the pastor tailors the songs to the sermon, and he intentionally uses a variety of musical styles so that on any given Sunday, every culture in our church is catered to. Most of the time, in our traditional concept of worship, worship takes place in the main …show more content…

They say the goal of the main worship service is to move the regular attenders to small groups. They are correct that the main service is a worship service, but they have a shallow understanding of worship. Worship is God’s people in submission to God’s Word. Worship is praising and thanking God for who he is and what he has done. Worship is for God’s people and it is a biblical command. God’s people must worship. It should be a joy for them to worship. Those outside the local church see those that belong to the local church worship and they are filled with reverence for the God who rules over this people. God’s Word is the lure for the unbeliever, and The Holy Spirit is the one who cuts them to the heart so that they believe. How do you Pastor a Church in a way that fits your