Small Pox Research Paper

219 Words1 Pages
Smallpox was the most serious poxvirus disease in humans, caused by Variola virus (VARV). It was spread by inhalational exposure of oral, nasal or pharyngeal droplets that contained the virus and initially caused influenza like symptoms such as fever of at least 38.3°C, muscle pain, malaise, headache and prostration. After 10-14 days incubation the classic poxvirus rash would appear on the face, all four limbs, mucous membranes of the mouth, tongue, palate and throat. When visible lesions first observed, temperature falls to near normal, and the lesions rapidly enlarged and ruptured, developing from macules to papules and eventually pustules that dried up and crusted over by 14 to 16 days if the patient survived. By day 16-20, scabs would form