Smart About Your Money Book Report

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The book “The One-Page Financial Plan: A Simple Way To Be Smart About Your Money” by Carl Richards is a book written to help those who want to make smart financial decisions but don't have the knowledge to do this. Richards splits the book into four parts, discovery, spending and saving, investing, and strategies for avoiding the “big mistake”.

In the first section, Richards explains that the first step to creating a successful financial plan is to figure out what you want. If you want to have a personalized financial plan, you have to look at where you are and where you want to be. He goes on explaining how important the “big question” is when it comes to money. This important question is “ why is money important to you?”. He explains that this question often makes …show more content…

He spoke in a language that I understand. Most times when I read something that has to do with personal finance I can’t make sense out of it. The vocabulary can be very challenging, but Richards writes it with simpler words. Along with the vocabulary, Richards explains things in a way I haven’t experienced before. He explains that financial planning is not only about numbers, it’s about family and freedom. I finally understand why it’s so important to know “why” money is important to you. He explained that if you don’t know why it’s important to you then you won’t be as determined and won’t know what you’re looking for when you’re trying to make a financial plan. Overall the content of the book was very good. Richards covered many areas including; saving, budgeting, investing, planning, hiring a financial advisor and many more subjects. However, I am personally not in a spot to invest in anything right now so I didn’t relate to that section as much.The section that talked about loans was very short. I wish he would’ve gone over loans some more especially because in the next few years I am going to be taking out student