Analysis Of Snake Phobia Behavior Therapy

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Video Response
The Snake Phobia Behavior Therapy video taught me numerous new things. Examples of some specific phobias include claustrophobia, the fear of thunder, and the fear of flying (Smethells, 2012). Psychologist Dr. David Barlow is a director of The Center for Anxiety & Related Disorders at Boston University and also a pioneer in exposure therapy. His research demonstrates the amazing success which has been achieved of treating phobias in a brief period of time (Smethells, 2012). He is also able to treat specific phobias in as little of three hours (Smethells, 2012). Numerous people all over the world suffer from all different sorts of phobias.
Behavioral Techniques
In the video there were behavioral both general and specific techniques …show more content…

In addition to the techniques used in the video, a REBT therapist might modify the intervention by using emotive techniques. Emotive techniques include role playing, imagery, forceful statements, and shame attacking (Roy-Day, 2015). I would use this technique at beginning of the video, during the start of therapy. I would use REI in a way to help the client imagine a situation in which she is likely to be upset (in this case something pertaining to snakes). Then I would image her self-talk used to imagine the situation. A REBT therapist might modify the intervention by using cognitive approaches. Cognitive approaches include psychoeducation, problem solving, teaching others, coping self-statements, and cost-benefit analysis (Roy-Day, 2015). I would use this technique in providing psychoeducation tot the client throughout the whole video. Lastly, a REBT therapist might modify the intervention by using behavioral methods. Behavioral methods are described as reinforcements and penalties, activity homework, and skill training (Roy-Day, 2015). I would use this technique to assign the client activity homework. This would be assigned at the midpoint of therapy also after it is clear that the client is making …show more content…

(2005). Counseling Theories Essiential Concepts and Applications. Upper Saddle River: Pearson.
Roy-Day, E. (2015, October 17). Lesson 4 Behavior Therapy and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT). Retrieved from
Smethells, J. (2012, December 5). Snake Phobia Behavioral (Exposure) Therapy. Retrieved from Youtube:

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