Trapped Documentary

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For the event paper, I watched the documentary Trapped, that was playing at the school November 17th. I was very hesitant to watch this film; I was worried there would be an angry undertone but it ended up being the exact opposite it was a sad undertone. The film focused on the southern states and their battle with the laws being passed that restrict women from getting safe abortions. Back in 1973 the court finally made the decision in Roe vs. Wade to make abortion legal to end pregnancy in the first three months stating that decision belongs to the women not the government. States can make restricts against abortion if it doesn’t cause undue burden to the women’s right. What was made clear from watching this video was that undue burden needs to be defined since many abortions clinics think what laws are out their do cause undue burden. As we learned in class, and stated in the documentary “closing clinics won’t stop abortions, women will still have abortions they just won’t be safe and legal”. This came to life in the film when one women spoke out the ways she looked up online to have an abortion. There were home remedies and herbs she could take but all seemed so unsafe that she didn’t follow through but who’s to say another woman wouldn’t …show more content…

Originally there was 44 clinics that performed abortions now the state is down to six. A doctor at a few different clinics in the southern states Willie Parker performs abortions even though all the time people say he is a baby killer and non-Christian. Yet they don’t see the women as he does. Many of the women it stated that are getting abortions already have children. It’s not that the child is unwanted but they know what it is like the have a child and what needs it requires. The mother doesn’t want to bring a child into the world that she can’t give her all too and then make her other children suffer. They are trying to think of what will be best for the