Snoop Dogg Poem Meaning

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The Hell that I imagine is a deep cave down in the woods. The cave is warm like a sauna, sharp rocks all over the place (point like a pointy knife) and smells like a skunk. It has four stages of torture (murders, rapist, unbelievers, liars). It will also include celebrities that you may know and do not know. Don’t you want to know a little about hell? Well, it's a horrible place to be, hell is usually explained like it's hot, that satan has horns. Yes, that’s all true but didn’t you know there are stages that torture you for what you’ve done in your past or even your present. This poem is about my imagination about hell. Our Imagination might be different or even the same but neither of us are wrong.

Snoop Dogg is walking through the smelly …show more content…

Cosby started to worry so he figured to turn around, but as soon as he turned around he was in the second stage of hell which was called rapist. He heard a familiar voice in the cave, Snoop Dogg it was, Cosby started freaking out while he was freaking out until he heard Satan's voice “Bill Cosby are you ready for this rage!?” Bill closed his eyes once he opened them he was strapped to an table. While, he was struggling to escape he heard a high pitch scream coming from the ground. As he looked to the side of the table he looked at the walls that started to flicker, he seen screens on the walls light up with the girls he had raped. He will watch him rape these young women when they were in pain and when they were crying. If Cosby even starts to scream or even say a word the floor will open into hot steaming water and he will go underneath for a min. Then when he comes back up screaming he will go right back down until he comes out of the water without screaming. If he does he will be faced up looking at the pictures of those girls he has raped, and if he made a sound he goes right back in that hot steaming water for two minutes or …show more content…

Pieces of skin were left on some rocks because it was so hot. Angelina started to scream her butt off because she was missing some of her “precious” skin, Oh well, She started to run out of the cave until she fell right into a hole that led straight to stage four which of unbelievers. She landed in a cage looking everywhere to wonder where she's at, looked up and seen the two stages above her. The spiky rock were dripping blood from the other sinners. That is when Angelina started to cry and scream until she heard a wonderful and powerful voice she has never heard before “Why are you crying Angelina, don’t you like it here?” said God. Angelina looked up and seen God the God she did not believe inl. He asked “Why do not believe in me?” Angelina replied “I do, God!” God knew she was lying. So he took her out of the cage, Angelina thinking she free, but God is not dumb. He had her by a fist of her hair hanging. God says “Do not look down, ok?” Angelina just started to cry, scream, and then she looks down, she sees a whole pit of anacondas just slithering underneath her. God once had told her not to look down. He dropped dropped her into the pit of anacondas but after all the pain she’s right back where she was. God is very patient, he's waiting for Angelina to confess that she does believe in