Snow Persuasive Speech

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Gray skies.

Snow going up to 1000 feet.

Wait wasn't it sunny just yesterday?

That's Cleveland weather for you!

But that's what makes me adore this city! Even with its "ghetto" glam and the "hood rat" street scene. I truly take a deep pleasure Cleveland. Not only because of the Cleveland Browns or the Cavaliers, whom I do truly have a passion for. I relish this city more than the grimy steel factories that love to cloud the city with their polluted air, how the snow falls so hard you could walk for a minute and your eyelashes would be layered in snow. Then two seconds later, as the five cop cars and ambulances are screaming down Euclid Avenue because of some random shootout, you're sprayed with dirty black oiled snow. Then as the snow turns from a white Christmas blanket of snow to black slush and you could slip and fall and bust your knee cap, simply for just going to the corner store to get some lightbulbs for you mother. It may not be someone's definition of a "safe place," but it is my safe haven.

Where I was born.

Where I was raised.

"Treat a janitor like a CEO," is what living in this lower-middle-class income universe taught me to do. Someone has more money than one can ever fathom doesn't make them sophisticated or trendy. Being self-deprecating towards yourself and others made …show more content…

Yet we made do. Everyone in the house all lead different paths and walks of life, so I always had an example or role model to look upon when I needed guidance. We would sit around the dining table screaming to each other in either English, Bengali, or Arabic to pass the savoring the delicious traditional Bengali food my grandmother would cook, while she shoved food down our throats when we said we were full until we couldn't breath! My family and my city made me appreciate the challenging economics hardships that we would

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