Social Change In The 20th Century

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Humans are organizational animals; modern life is defined by organizations and corporations. Organization implies control. A social organization is an ordered arrangement of individual human interactions. United States has gone through many different stages. It is one of the youngest countries. Throughout time has come much change. The twentieth century has had many radical transformations. If this century proves one thing, it is the futility of politics. Even the most dogmatic believer in historical determinism would have a hard time explaining the social transformations of this century as caused by the headline-making political events, or the headline-making political events as caused by the social transformations. But it is the social transformations, like ocean currents deep below the hurricane-tormented surface of the sea, that have had the lasting, indeed the permanent, effect. They, rather than all the violence of the political surface, have transformed not only the society but also the economy, the community, and the polity we live in. The age of social transformation will not come to an end with the year 2000, it will not even have peaked by then (Drucker, 2001). Social transformations start in the work force. In the …show more content…

People typically didn’t finish school and typically started with a business and stayed with it until retirement. This new economy we have people start their own business. This is the century of entrepreneurship because people want to be their own boss. Because of the mass media platform everyone has been able to connect to people in many different ways and see what people want out of life. People rather pay to make life easier so it has generated more money for the economy. Jobs are typically harder to get now compared to before because of the criteria everyone needs. People need years of experience; Gas has gone up because of the need for more gas because of more car models being on the