Social Class And The Hidden Curriculum By Jean Anyon

1977 Words8 Pages

Brendan Weisinger
Professor Espinoza
English 001A
7 February 2023
Educational Experiences To begin with, my life has been a mix of many different kinds of education from school and field trips to the outside world. All these different experiences changed the person I am today; without any of it, I would be a completely different person than I am today. The different teachers I have had, to the different experiences that changed my life caused me to grow into the person I am today. I think that the education system changed how I grew as a person and that could be why I have some faults. The education system is inherently biased toward those who look good on paper and I am not one of those people I am better at real-life situations and working …show more content…

We see that the main point she is trying to make is that students are a result of their education and upbringing and those factors are affected by what class of the hierarchy they are raised in. I have had the pleasure of being raised in the median between the two. I was in a middle-class school where my teachers wanted us to succeed but didn’t care a whole lot about how they taught us but they still did their best. Like I had some teachers that wanted to just coast by the year and didn’t work as hard as some others but they still gave us enough knowledge that we passed but didn’t do much more than that. My school learned everything from myth/sci-fi English to government. I think I would have come out very different if I was in a different social class but I am happy that I was raised and educated in the class I was in. The difference between the elite and the working classes is day and night and the middle class is the median between the two. I think that when she highlighted at the end that “these differences may not only contribute to the development in the children in each social class of certain types of economically significant relationships.” She is just solidifying my opinion on the topic that people raised in different situations will come out very different from their lower-class or higher-class counterparts. She is right that people are a product of their …show more content…

The main idea of this text was to highlight the fear of transitioning into college from high school and figuring out what you want to do with the rest of your life as well as the fear of failure. I have first-hand felt this fear. I was scared to go to college after high school. After all, I didn’t think I would amount to anything in college because I wasn’t the best student. I am here now because, after a semester and time in the hospital, I decided that I wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of what I wanted to do. I am still scared that I might fail in the future but that isn’t stopping me now because I know I can never achieve what I want in life by being scared. Even though I am in school now I am still nervous that I might not amount to anything but with the support of people in my life I know that even if I don’t succeed in the field I want there is always something that I can fall back on. Some of the most successful people had to take their backups jobs because they didn’t get what they wanted they failed at doing what they wanted but in failure they found treasure. They found what they were more suited to do. Some people do jobs because of money and others do jobs because it is what they love but you have to fail at something to find that thing that you truly love. Some examples of my schooling are that I tried playing different sports even though I was scared. Like football, I played