Social Conflict Theory Analysis

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When we look around us in the society, we can see that everything is not equal for every people. Some people get more than they deserve and others are betrayed. the inequality may happen in terms of resourse, power, social relationship and other basic things that are important element of people’s daily life. Karl Marks made Social-Conflict theory based on this inequality. This theory is a framework that sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change. Sociologists using the social-conflict approach look at ongoing conflict between dominant and disadvantaged categorized of people. The rich in relation on to the poor, white people in relation to people of color, and men in relation to women. Typically, people on top …show more content…

Our society give power to a legal organization to control our society so that none can damage others property and life. This is one side. The other side is about some people who want the power and they have no other option to violate the society’s norms and attempt to get the power illegally. They need huge amount of money and they get that money doing illegal businesses like smuggling. For this reason, there are always conflict between police and criminals. This particular conflict is in terms of power. There is an obvious and clear change in our society because of this conflict. Although criminal win in some case but the positive side, police and other security agency, win at the final. In the movie USA agency caught Don Luis with the help of Fabio although he remained safe because of some corruption. Finally Cataliya did the job of agency and killed Don Luis as the revenge of killing her parents in the past. At that moment of killing Don, she got help from an …show more content…

When Cataleya’s parents were killed by Don Luis she went to her uncle Emilo who lived in Chicago. From the first day, Cataleya wanted to be a killer. Emilio was a criminal in Chicago. That’s why Cataleya asked him to help her to become a killer. In that case, Emilio didn’t say much to Cataleya and somehow enrolled her in a school. Cataleya was so straight forward in her decision and became an assassin killer at her young age. She killed 22 people. Beside killing people she had another mission to find out Don Luis to take revenge. Thus, she used to draw an art of cataleya orchid, grows in Columbia, in the chest of all victims. She thought this would lead her to Don Luis. The conflict began in that time. Uncle Emilio didn’t support her decision. Actually he didn’t want that Cataleya kill anymore. They had a quarrel in a laundry shop; later in a library on this topic. Emilio told her “I will keep u safe, Cataleya. That is a full time job. No matter what you think.” This prove that Emilio wanted to impose a decision on Cataleya and that was he wouldn’t let her to kill any people anymore. In the library he told, “I won’t give you any work or anything, anymore. You are retired.” This actually make his decision clear. On the other hand, Cataleyas’s aim in life to kill Don Luis. So she rejected her uncle’s decision and fought back. She told him that she was doing all of this in her way, and she made her