
Social Evolution Of Freedom Of Speech And Civil Rights

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Freedom of Speech is known to be protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. This right gave people the liberation to express themselves openly and freely; however the extent of the freedom of speech is limited due to the offense and direct harm that can occur. Although one may think having freedom of speech is a great way to express oneself, sadly there are negative implications that follows such as offensive languages used towards others, direct physical harm, and social evolution in the case of public demonstrations, which sometimes create violence. It is true to say that whatever is given ‘free’ to people, they tend to abuse it to serve their own self-interest. The concept of freedom of speech gives people the opportunity …show more content…

As many people are able to express themselves freely and openly, this have created a social evolution where people come together to interact with the same point of view of the topic. Sometimes this result to emotions of disgruntlement and anger towards others due to an unlawful act that took place or for an improper action by another. As a result, freedom of speech is used as a mechanism to form groups of people together as a social network. Demonstrations is an example of social evolution of freedom of speech, which often times result to violence. Groups of people are formed through the social median, whom expresses the same emotions and demand for their voices to be heard. Sometimes people feel that aggression or violence is the only way to feel recognized, so such a formation of group of people pushes for strong empathy of several voices and actions to be heard and acknowledged. Such social development can be recognized as positive when several people come together, but rather in a peaceful manner. A large gathering indicates the concerns of the people, and its peaceful demonstration will illustrates respect and unity requesting for justice or corrective actions to be rightly

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