Essay On Work Engagement And Performance

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We can conclude that research supports the link between work engagement and performance. Employees, who feel vital and strong, are enthusiastic about their work, show better in-role and extra-role performance. Consequently, engaged workers realize better financial results, and have more satisfied clients and customers.
4.4 Studies on the crossover of work engagement
Crossover or emotional contagion can be define as the transfer of positive (or negative) experiences from one person to the other (Westman, 2001). Barsade (2002) conducted an innovative laboratory study in which the transfer of moods among people in a group and its influence on performance examined. Using a trained confederate-enacting mood, she showed that the pleasant mood of the confederate influenced the mood of the other team members during a simulated managerial exercise (leaderless group discussion). The positive mood contagion consequently resulted in more cooperative behaviour and better task performance. In a similar vein, Sy et al. (2005) found that when leaders were in a positive (vs. negative) mood, individual team members experienced more positive and less …show more content…

Saks (2006) found a strong theoretical rationale for the same in social exchange theory (SET). A basic tenet of SET is that relationships evolve over time into trusting, loyal, and mutual commitments as long as the parties abide by certain “rules” of exchange (Cropanzano and Mictchell, 2005). Rules of exchange usually involve reciprocity or repayment rules such that the actions of one party lead to a response or actions by the other party. For example, when individuals receive economic and socioemotional resources from their organization, they feel obliged to respond in kind and repay the organization (Cropanzano and Mitchell,