Social Facilitation

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SOCIAL INFLUENCES Social Facilitation The term social facilitation means that a human being may improve their performance because of the presence of surrounding people. Social facilitation occurs in society every day, in ways that the common people don’t even notice. Norman Triplett’s experiments in 1897 set the example for studying enhanced performance due to the number of people participating in that experiment. Triplett’s experiment studied the speed results of cyclists in which their speeds increased when they went head to head. An example of social facilitation can be a basketball player wanting to impress a scout and so he/she would play better. The Positives and Negatives of Social Facilitation When performing better due to social facilitation, it can represent the level of determination a person displays. People who work better when watched may perform the action at a …show more content…

The social environment can heavily influence people discriminating against others. For example, being raised by a family who hates Asians may cause you to develop the same hate. Being prejudice can be distinguished from discrimination as such that people who are prejudice don’t necessarily act on their emotions. Therefore, a person may be prejudice but may not show it. Effects of Discrimination and Being Prejudice on the Minority Groups The Rwandan Genocide is an extreme case of discrimination in which both Hutus and Tutsis killed each other over a power struggle. Neither one wanted to live with each other which resulted in mass genocide. Discrimination is also very much alive in China but in different form such as gender inequality. Many jobs go to the male rather than female and most families rather conceive a newborn boy than girl. This can lead to a troubled economy if it continues. LADDER OF MORAL