Social Stereotyping Research

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-The content of stereotype stands for characteristics that people have describe a group. Studies of stereotype content express how people see others, instead of the reasons included in stereotyping.
Early theories of content of stereotype proposed by social psychologists as Gordon Allport supposed that outgroups stereotypes reflected parallel aversion. Katz and Braly discussed in their study that ethnic stereotypes were negative.
-Early studies proposed that rigid, repressed and authoritarian people only were used stereotypes. This idea has been disproved by synchronous studies that suggest the omnipresence of stereotypes and it was proposed to regard stereotypes as mass group beliefs. Referring that people who are part of the same social …show more content…

The significant part in structuring our identity like group members is done by The auto and heterostereotypes and they help us to understanding and justify given attitudes toward members of out-group. This understanding is supported by The social performances frame and the identity issue explain social practices and norms. Stereotypes are part of a wider cultural system that directs our behavior in different social contexts not only adjust particular interactions of inter-group.
The most theorists neglect or briefly argued a major role of stereotypes: “you feel safe when you have stereotypes”.
Stereotypes allow us decrease doubt and avoid chancy situations both social and personal and supply us with a sense of monitoring our social contacts . This need exceeds that of positive identity and the most cognitive-economy strategies is more general that appoint concepts and prototypes not only stereotypes. The “safety” hypothesis includes all other theories presented above. That is best to keep an open mind to substitution explanations and remove all preconceived beliefs when examining …show more content…

Another perspective proposes that stereotypes are biased perceptions of social contexts. People use stereotypes as shortcuts to know their social contexts, therefore people understand their world less cognitively demanding.
-Social categorization:
In the following situations, the comprehensive purpose of stereotyping is for people to use positive light and put their collective self (their ingroup membership) in this positive light.
1-when explaining social events by stereotypes.
2-when justifying activities of one 's ingroup to another group (outgroup) by stereotypes.
3-when differentiating the ingroup as positively distinguished from outgroups by stereotypes.

-Explanation purposes:
The social events can be explained by Stereotypes. According to Henri Tajfel, Jews are stereotyped as being evil who want to control the world.

-Justification purposes:
The stereotypes of an outgroup are created by people to justify the actions and behavior that their ingroup plans to perpetrate towards that outgroup. According to Tajfel, For instance, Europeans stereotyped Indian, Turkish and Chinese people as being unable to accomplish financial progress without European assistance. This stereotype was utilized to justify European imperialism in India, Turkey and