Group Dynamics And The Highest Quantity Of Creative Ideas

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Working in groups is an essential part of education and understanding how people interact in these group settings is vital. This study is interested in finding which type of group, nominal or interactive, will work best in a creative brainstorming task. By using theories of group dynamics, with an emphasis on the social inhibition theory, this study will aim to find which group will have the highest quality and the highest quantity of creative ideas. Many have theorized why people act a certain way in a group setting and why people act differently when they are alone. This study concentrates on the social inhibition theory, which states that people will perform tasks worse in the presence of others and will perform the task better task alone. …show more content…

The task was to come up with as many creative uses for a thumb tack. The interactive group performed the task first and was told to come up with ideas together by talking out loud. The nominal group performed the task after the interactive group and they were given the same exact instructions, but they were not allowed to discuss their ideas with one another during the brainstorming task. The independent variable in this study was the type of group the participants were put in, the independent variable had two levels, nominal and interactive. The dependent variable in this study was the number of ideas each group created and how creative each group 's ideas were. The operational definition for the independent variable in this study is defined as the group the participant is in, which is either the nominal group or the interactive group. The operational definition for the dependent variable in this study would be how many ideas are generated by each group and how creative each idea is. Creativity in this study is defined by a survey conducted to rate each idea based on creativity on a scale from 1-5, where 5 is the most creative and 1 is the least

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