Social Interaction Video Analysis

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There were physical and emotional interactions (see Figure 9). A girl is looking up at the installation with mouth curiously opened (Scene 1). A group of boys are taking picture from a distance looking excited and happily (Scene 4). Social interactions can be found when a girl is pointing to the light while talking to the other boys, seeming to show the others what she had discovered (Scene 2). From an interaction videos (Ramus Illumination n.d.), we can see groups of people are standing together and singing collaboratively, people in the crowd constantly smile at each other which indicates emotional exchange and social interactions happens at the same time. Audiences gathered in small groups and are talking with each other, it could mean that the space stimulates conversations for the community to engage with one another. Taking pictures are also gestures that indicates follow-up social activities, such as sharing the story with family and friends after the event. …show more content…

There were people stand in a distance to the structure looking at others and later came closer to join the choir, this could mean that in the first phase they were trying to figure out what was going on and how did it work. This is the first sign of cognitive interaction (Dalsgaard et al. 2011). The second sign appears when a man lifts up his phone to broadcast songs by his cell phone to test the light change (Scene 3). It could mean people are creatively thinking and exploring more ways to interact with the structure. Beyond observations, one of the goals of this project it to create a reflective space that explores the power of human voice. If the designer had achieved his goal, people should have become more aware of their own singing behavior, and this could be the third while the most important sign of cognitive