Social Justice Warrior Argumentative Analysis

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Warning. This speech contains content intended for an audience that possesses the emotional maturity and fortitude above that of the average toddler. For those of you who would like to avoid potentially being triggered, please relocate to the nearest intellectual safe space. That was a trigger warning. Well, sort of. And if it were up to certain “Social Justice Warriors” in this politically correct age, all media containing anything that could, in any way, be interpreted, by anyone, as even the slightest bit offensive, would be preceded by one. The phrase “Social Justice Warrior” dates back to 1824. However, what was once a laudatory title has became a grandiose term for self-congratulating, easily offended, pseudo-intellectuals. Because now it is used to describe those who try to stifle constructive debate by relegating topic after topic into the emotionally-charged “taboo” zone. This stems from society’s move towards political correctness. People are forced to use euphemistic, evasive language to beat about the bush whenever addressing even slightly sensitive topics. The shackles of political correctness should long since have been cast off. However, …show more content…

A “safe space” used to be one that did not tolerate anti-LGBT violence, harassment or hate speech. However, the rise of “trigger warnings” and “political correctness” at universities has meant that safe spaces have been created for those who wish to avoid having their ideas challenged. These spaces, championed by what is known as the regressive left, are characterised by calming music, cookies, Play-Doh and videos of frolicking puppies. This in itself is hypocritical. Free speech and the concept that it is only through reflecting on one’s ideas and deconstructing why you believe what you believe that you can justify your ideas, which are arbitrary unless they stand up to criticism, are central to classical liberal