Social Learning Theory Of Jessor's Problem Behavior Theory

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This study was based on Jessor 's "Problem Behavior Theory”. This is a systematic, multivariate, social-psychological conceptual framework derived initially from the basic concepts of value and expectation in Rotter 's (1954, 1982) (Rotter, 1982, Rotter, 1954) social learning theory and from Merton 's (1957) concept of anomie.
According to the social learning theory, learning occurs through modelling. Thus, substance use behaviours may occur through peer influence, where peer model substance use or make substances more readily available or exert mutual influence to use substances as well as peer norms that encourage and perpetuate substance use. Due to this social learning, peers who use substance are more likely to have substance using friends who act as reinforcing agents. The social environment also plays a role; for example in the case of University students who have ready access to alcohol and other drugs in their campuses, those students coming from families or neighbourhood where alcohol is brewed, those within the students social circle using alcohol and drugs are all likely to be influenced to abuse drugs . The social environment here will provide an opportunity to learn the new behaviour of alcohol and drug use.
Problem behaviour is behaviour that is socially defined as a problem, as a source of concern, or as undesirable by the social and/or legal norms of conventional society and its institutions of authority; it is behaviour that usually elicits some form of