Should Teachers Use Social Media Essay

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“Social” Media
Have you ever wondered whether or not it is a good idea for students and teachers to interact with each other on sites such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter? Although at this moment in time it is not illegal for teachers to have pupils on social media it is very much frowned upon.
Every school has a different view on this topic - some schools believe that teachers should not even have social media while others feel that the teachers should be able to have pupils as friends. Many schools have some sort of rule on this topic and do realise that this can be an issue. There have been many problems with teachers having pupils on social media with one in ten misconducts between pupils and teachers involving teachers using social network sites inappropriately.

Fifty six percent of people believe that there should be a connection on social media between a teacher and pupil while forty-four percent think that it would be a horrible idea for pupils and teachers to have connections on social …show more content…

You wouldn’t talk down to students by being racist and referring to them and call them bad words , so don’t be doing it on social media. You wouldn’t say bad things about pupils or their parents to their face, so don’t post a social media post criticising your pupils or their parents

In conclusion to my essay I feel that pupils and teachers should not be friends on social media because I personally don’t want to add any of my teachers on social media because to be honest who I am in school is completely different to who I am out with school and I wouldn’t want them to know what is going on in my personal life, who I associate myself with out with school or how I feel about life as a