Social Media Ethical Behavior

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Attitude toward ethical behavior in social media use at workplace It is a waste of time when people get addicted to social media. When they browse websites of social media, very especially the employees, the hours they consume become unproductive. For this reason, the employers feel that it directly effect to decrease productivity. When employees are idling without paying attention to their duties, it is a great loss to the institution that they are working for. In addition to that, when employees are open themselves for social media, it is a common fact that they also get open to network security issues. The very worst effect of this is, without knowing they easily download viruses and malware from those websites. The ultimate result of all …show more content…

The first one of them is called the ‘Troller’. These persons create conflicts on the site by posting messages that are controversial and provoking anger on another user. The next is ‘Stalker’, is a person who continuously hunts and pursues a very particular person and could create a bad image on the partner. ‘Predator’ is the next one, who can attack a group and ruthlessly exploits each character separately. The last one is ‘Paedophile’ whom is the worst one who is sexually attracted to children and also a dangerous child …show more content…

Majority of the current employees are from the Millennial Generation. And it should be mentioned when the old personnel retire, there is no option for the employer to train Millennials to the vacant posts. Mainly, the Millennials are a fascinating generation but it is very much difficult to hire and retain them to the post they are offered. They look at the world as a union of people which is connected technologically and electronically throughout the whole year. They always have their mobile phones in their hands. They always log into social media sites for hours. The nature of these Millennials are tend to be more results-oriented than time-oriented. Therefore, the time wasted during their working hours, cannot be draw back. This is a great loss to every company. Therefore, it is very important to make the Millennials understand to make the full use of time for the betterment of the