Social Protection Pros And Cons

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The UNDP define social protection as “policies designed to reduce people 's exposure to risks, enhancing their capacity to protect themselves against hazards and loss of income. Social protection involves interventions from public, private, voluntary organizations, and social networks, to support individuals, households and communities prevent, manage, and overcome the hazards, risks, and stresses threatening their present and future well-being.”[1] During the last years worldwide there have been several projects implemented addressing social protection. In this section we intend to construct a framework to understand how social protection has been working so far. As mention before policies are designed in a very special way, looking to provide protection to society. Therefore, institutions such as the World Bank have tackle this problematic from different perspectives. There are projects to incentivize social protection form a labor perspective, or trying to reduce risk, or contributing directly to productivity. Oportunidades is the leading social protection project in Mexico. This initiative started in 1998 under the name Progresa. This project was mainly for families in rural and urban communities, which were under poor conditions. Oportunidades invested in human capital looking to improve children’s education, health and nutrition. Thus, planning to achieve long-term effects. The goal was not only to reduce poverty, but also to provide better future economic

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