Social Responsibility In Nonprofit Organizations

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Even though conflicts within the volunteer community has many things what will plague the organization, another method that will help is Social Responsibility within the Nonprofit Organization. Social responsibility is the moral principle that an organization or employee has an obligation to act based upon morals and values. This responsibility is a duty every individual has to perform so as to maintain a balance between right and wrong doings. Social responsibility means having balance between what is right and what is wrong. It not only relates to business organizations but also to every worker that works for the organization. This responsibility can be used to an advantage by giving each worker a task that is easy to complete and by doing this, it will help the nonprofit organization become better efficient. …show more content…

According to Sãrãţeanu, the general arguments from an external perspective, lead to the need of using Social Responsibility within the Nonprofit sector, it is important to also examine an argument which makes social responsibility (and, consequently, social reporting) essential for an organizations credibility. Following behind creditability, Reputation is an incentive for the adoption of voluntary Social Responsibility standards based upon the idea of realistic duties towards all stakeholders. This practice would support the idea of a nonprofit organizations not implementing opportunistic behavior, of actions always consistent with the mission, of policies and decisions involving various categories of stakeholders; and would hence increase the reputational capital of the Nonprofit Organization. Even considering all Nonprofit organizations as working for the social system they are part of (without taking into account corruption, or dysfunctions, or mission displacement,