
Socioeconomic Status In America Essay

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Since beginning of the time, People from different socioeconomic environment have different lifestyles and opportunities available for them in United States. Socioeconomic status is what he or she is born in to, and over time a person can make decisions better choices and they can make through life. In today’s society everyone should treated equally, but there has been differences between social classes here in America. Most of socioeconomic status include family income, education, and health care. In twentieth century, there are been conflict with low status people who try to gain rights in society. In addition, in socioeconomic system people are grouped in different categories by their statues, the most common ones are the upper class, middle class, and the lower class.
First, lower class is classified by homeless and unemployment people. People in this class don’t have high school education or any type of degree. Due to that less opportunities to find work with affordable income. Lower class people have to struggle to take care of their health because they can’t afford any health insurance. Most of the families have to go through hard time to afford enough food for everyone. In addition, men who supposed to …show more content…

In this class most of the people have higher education or at least high school diploma. People have more opportunities to find better job with well-paid income such as doctor, lawyer, and police officer etc. Also, most of the people own local smell business and built their own investment depends on business profits. Almost everyone is able to afford health insurance or get helped from some kind of health care programs. Families are living healthy with less financial problems and have own place to live. Also, people who live in middle class areas are more protected and deal with less criminal problems. Middle class people work hard to achieve their goals and keep moving forward as economy

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