Sociological Theory: The Role Of Women In My Life

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Michael Lee
December 2, 2014
Sociological Theory
D. Harrison

Analytic Memorandum #5

There are many women in my life that I respect and have love for, but the most important women in my life are my mother, younger sister (Crystal, 17) , and my first cousin (Andrea). All three of these women have lived completely different lives, having to deal with different pressures while growing into the women they now are. What has molded my mother into the woman that she is a combination of familial, social, psychological, and economic factors. Crystal on the other hand, has mainly been molded by different social factors. My cousin, Andrea was molded into the woman that she is by familial, psychological, and political factors. Andrea is not what would be referred to as a traditional woman. Andrea is a lesbian. Not only is she a lesbian, she is the stud (masculine …show more content…

In most races, classes, and ethnic stratification men and women have always had the expectation of being dependent on a man. There are different countries across the planet’s surface that have very extreme traditions of patriarchy, America being one that is beginning to open their ear to the voice of women. Giant bounds have been made in hopes for equalizing the playing field of men and women in family, society, politics, and economy. In the fight for women’s liberties, a lot of battles have been one. Women now hold CEO positions, a single mother has raised the first black president (Barack Obama), and there are multi-millionaire women in living among all of us Americans. These great strides are encouraging for the women of our future, but as for the preset, there is still a domination of men over women in society. I believe that feminism is the cure, or answer to this hindrance, and the more people that act in support of the many feminist theorist’s ideas, the more equality there will be between men and women in