
Sociology Of The Family Course Analysis

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The Sociology of the Family course allowed students to understand families in our society, significance of families in our society, families are related to and influenced by the larger society, examine families from the sociological perspective, to critically examine our society and the ways society supports families or negatively hinders families and the role of religion in society and influences it should have on social policies and institutions (Humphrey & Harwell, 2016, p.5). The significant areas during the course were the core week, the developmental reading and completing the referral agencies assignment . The period during core week spent in the course 'Sociology of the Family' was an enlightening experience. Dr. John covered all …show more content…

For each course, students were required to complete a developmental reading assignment as part of the requirement. The developmental reading was a different experience, in that, rather than the students read a total number of pages to gain information, they were required to read specific to the course objectives. This allowed the students to remain focused on the material that was relevant to the objectives. There were many highlights from the reading, however the following objective in particular caused me to reflect on the family …show more content…

It is the same structure that has been in existence from the beginning of time. However, even though it is a familiar structure that each generation has experienced, there are families that lack a sense of belonging and "familial love" that should be provided. Families continue to be dysfunctional, whereby it's members become hurt, bitter, angry and abandoned. Those emotions are just some of the effects family members experience. Family Life Educators responsibility is to empower families that they would understand their role to its members and to society. I believe once each member understands their identity and the impact their role has in society, the family will once again provide the sense of belonging and the "familial love" once

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