
Sociology 101: Course Analysis

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Sociology 101 has taught me many things, I discovered many things about myself which I was not expecting. I had my mind set, that this course was going to be about the way people socialize in the world. I was wrong, once I stared reading chapter one it reminded me of psychology 101, but sociology is more like seeing the connection between larger social forces and personal experiences. I’ve read the chapters we were assign to, and it has opened my mind to understand people more than I ever could imagined. I believe this course has helped me in my job environment since the medical field deals with quiet a few of ethics, reading and learning about different cultures it will allow me make my job easier when I have to help out with a patient before …show more content…

This chapter has taught me so much! Especially since I want to adopt in a few years once I have my career. I learned that there’s two methods of adopting an unrelated person: one an adoption may be arranged through a licensed agency or in some states it can be arranged through a private agreement by the courts. My goal is to adopt a Mexican kid from Mexico and reading about this chapter, it is possible to adopt a child from abroad. By the year 2016 over 6,400 children entered the United States as the adopted children of the U.S citizens. In this Chapter I also learned about FMLA. I have worked at Renown for almost 3 years and never asked anyone what FMLA stand for or why have 480 hours? FMLA stands for Family and Medical Leave Act which started in 1993. This entitles eligible employees of covered employers to take unpaid time off for a specified family and medical reasons. This is ideal for a new born since they can get up to two months off with FMLA. In the United States 76.2% agrees that one full-time working parent should have at least two months paid leave to care for a child. While Russia agrees up to …show more content…

As a child I never comprehend why we prayed for a person that has pass or when someone was super sick and was at the hospital. As a child I thought praying would solve the issue, since god is perfect in power and ruler of the universe. I prayed for hours and days while crying for my grandpa to get better. It’s insane how religion can allow us to do something about misfortunes we face throughout life, how praying will change their condition or to accept their death. I always thought Islam was largest single faith in the world but it’s not. Christianity is the largest single faith in the world. They both based on a single deity, both include a belief in prophets, an afterlife, and a judgement day. I never understood when I met a Christian and said “I was born again” I never understood what I meant or bother to ask, till I found it on this chapter. “Born Again” is a turning point in one’s life making a personal commitment to Jesus. According to a 2014 national survey, 35 percent of people in the United states claim they have had a born-again Christian experience at some point in their

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