
Solar Panels Argumentative Essay

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As the world continues to create better solar panels that would save the entire human race, Donald Trump has imposed new tariffs on solar panels that leave consumers digging deeper into their pockets so that they can afford the original price of solar panels along with the 30% tariff that now put solar panels out of reach for some consumers. After President Trump signed on the tariff, consumers have started to pull away from solar panels, and with consumer demand starting to fade, the economy of the solar industry has also started to fall. Before the tariff, solar panels were bought by people who would put them on their homes, businesses, and utilities and with the how big the demand was for solar panels, experts said that solar panels would …show more content…

These people all agree that the economy will benefit from this tariff because consumers will feel the need to help the environment no matter the cost coming from their bank accounts, after all these solar panels help to slow or even stop global warming and would promote a better future for their children, and no one can argue against the lives of children. This group believes that under the tariff, the solar workforce will increase because more revenue will be flowing into the solar industry allowing companies to hire more employees who will bring new ideas to the table, and the unemployment rate would gradually drop as more people get hired to work in the solar industry, innovation, which is fueled by the new employees that will be hired, will continue to make advancements in newer and better solar panels and technology, and the economy will greatly benefit from the additional revenue that the tariff will bring in for the new companies. Like their counterparts, this group recognizes that President Trump is a businessman, this group believes that President Trump will boost the economy with this tariff; This tariff will boost the economy by bringing in more money for the solar industry, while also maintaining employment rates and innovation of solar technology. This group does recognize the consumer demand claim, but only a small portion of consumers will be turned away, which will barely have effect on the solar

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